- Thomas Arnold Elementary
- School Messenger FAQ
About School Messenger
SchoolMessenger is an automated telephone system that Salado ISD uses 1st and foremost, to notify you in the event of an emergency or an alert. Each campus as well as athletics also use this system to notify their parents of activities or events that will occur that they want to make you aware of. Salado ISD also uses this system to notify you of your child(ren)’s lunch balance when their account balance falls below zero dollars. Use of this system is minimal but it is 1st and foremost an emergency notification system.
I am not receiving School Messenger phone calls
The phone number used by Salado ISD is dependent upon several factors and the logic to decide which phone number to use for your child is based upon the information you provide on the registration card, your family situation, cell number vs home number etc. If you would like to change the number we use, simply notify your child’s campus and the changes will be made in the system. Within 24 hours, these changes will propagate to the rest of the systems in Salado ISD, including school messenger.
I wish to stop receiving SchoolMessenger phone calls.
This is not a recommended solution as SchoolMessenger is used 1st and foremost as a notification system to Alert you of safety and security issues that may occur. If you decide to opt out, please email ebragg@saladoisd.org and under the subject header in the email, please type “opt out of school messenger notifications”. In the body of the email, please include your name, your child(ren)’s names and their grades. Programmatic changes will then be made to remove you from the call list permanently. Please be aware that opting out will remove you from all automated calls made regardless of the scope and severity of the situation. It will not remove you from receiving calls from the office regarding your child.
I want to change the telephone number used to contact me.
Please email ebragg@saladoisd.org and provide the current number used to contact you and the number you prefer to be contacted.
I am receiving SchoolMessenger phone calls but have no children attending Salado I.S.D.
Please email ebragg@saladoisd.org and in the subject line type “wrong contact information”. In the body of the email, please write a short description of messages you have recently received and if they pertained to a student, what the student’s name was. Also, please ensure you list the phone number (including area code) of the number that received the call and a phone number where you may be reached should we have questions.
I am divorced but my ex receives all the calls. Can I receive calls as well?
Yes you can receive calls as well if you wish. As long as there is no court order prohibiting this, Salado ISD can set it up so that any call that goes out regarding your child(ren) will communicate with both parents, even if they are divorced/seperated. Simply email ebragg@saladoisd.org and provide him with the pertinent info such as child(ren)’s names, campus and the phone number to use.